Motorway Road Signs and Meanings

Motorway road signs are always blue in colour and are used to inform motorists of directions or general information. Motorway signs are often in place from as much as one mile to provide traffic with sufficient warning to change to an appropriate lane if necessary.

The below motorway signs are the most common found and are similar to those found on many dual carriageways in the UK. Unlike the blue signs found on motorways however, dual carriageway signs are green in colour.

Motorway ahead sign

Motorway ahead sign

At a junction leading directly into a motorway (junction number may be shown on a black background)

Motorway junction ahead sign

Motorway junction ahead sign

Whilst on the motorway approaching a junction. (Junction number on black background)

Destination and miles motorway sign

Destination and miles motorway sign

Route confirmation sign after a junction with destination miles

Start of motorway sign

Start of motorway sign

Start of motorway and point from which motorway regulations apply

Joining a motorway slips road sign

Joining a motorway slips road sign

Traffic on the main carriageway coming from right has priority over joining traffic

Slip road approaching whilst on the motorway sign

Slip road approaching whilst on the motorway sign

Additional traffic joining from left ahead. Traffic on main carriageway has priority over joining traffic from right hand lane of slip road

Joining a motorway slips road sign

Joining a motorway slips road sign

Traffic in right hand lane of slip road joining the main carriageway has priority over left hand lane

Motorway interchange sign

Motorway interchange sign

Downward pointing arrows mean ‘Get in lane’. The left-hand lane leads to a different destination from the other lanes.

Motorway destination sign


The panel with the inclined arrow indicates the destinations which can be reached by leaving the motorway at the next junction

Motorway exit signs

Motorway countdown marker signs

Motorway marker countdown signs

Motorway marker countdown signs display at 300 yards, 200 yards and 100 yards.

End of motorway sign


This sign informs the driver that the motorway comes to an end ahead.


3 thoughts on “Motorway Road Signs and Meanings”

  1. Christine Pibworth

    What does the red cross sign mean? Does it mean lane not in use?

  2. Philip R

    Those mediaeval yard signs are really metres as I have measured them in my car.

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