Forward Parking into a Bay Reference Points

This sections covers the reference points for forward parking into a bay and reversing out driving test manoeuvre. Reference points may need to be adjusted slightly depending on your seating position and the type of vehicle you are driving. These reference points are to be used alongside the forward bay parking tutorial.

Forward Bay Parking to the Right

Locate the bay in which you intend on parking in and line up the first bay line so that it falls just under your right door mirror. At this point, steer quickly to full right lock. Your vehicle will enter the area that is shaded red.

Forward bay parking to the right manoeuvre reference point
Forward bay parking to the right reference point

Forward Bay Parking to the Left

Similarly to the above technique, locate the bay in which you intend on parking in and line up the first bay line so that it falls just under the left door mirror. At this point, quickly steer to full left lock and your vehicle will enter the red shaded area.

Forward bay parking to the left reference point

Where to Stop in the Bay

Hitting your wheels on the end of the bay kerb or failing to fully enter the bay (the rear of your car is protruding out the bay) is likely to result in a test failure.

This reference point can be used for an understanding for awareness of where your vehicle is in the bay once stopped. Therefore, knowing that you are sufficiently parked within the bay and stopping at this point will avoid your wheels from hitting the end of bay kerb.

As your vehicle enters the bay, wait for the end of bay kerb or line to fall just under your door mirror. At this point stop the vehicle.

Where to stop the car once in the bay reference point

Reversing Out

If there are vehicles parked in the bays next to you, to avoid hitting them with the front of your car when it swings out, it’s essential that you do not turn too early or too much.

Reversing out of the bay reference point

Keeping your steering straight, reverse out of the bay until your door mirror lines up with the front or rear of the vehicle parked next to you. At this point, turn your steering wheel half-turn left or right (depending on which direction you are reversing). When you are confident that the front of your car is clear of the vehicle, quickly continue to full lock.

15 thoughts on “Forward Parking into a Bay Reference Points”

  1. Bajita.Kulinga

    Thank you very much.This helped me a lot

  2. jim bob

    very good explanation and pictures. Thank you.

  3. Helana

    Hi, how do I know exactly how much is a half turn?

  4. Hi Helana,
    Half turn of the steering wheel. So half-turn left would be your right hand on the wheel at 3 (o’clock), move it up to 12 (quarter turn), then with the left hand, take it from 12 down to 9 – half a turn of the wheel.

  5. Dev

    HI! Turn the steering wheel to the point so that the car logo on the centre of the steering wheel turns right upside down ( for example, M if turned halfway will look W) assuming the wheels are straight at the point of turn.
    Hope that will help.

  6. catherine

    Great tip

  7. Mark

    Problem I’m having is I cant see any part of the bonnet or front of the vehicle despite the seat being as high as possible. I could be 6 ft 7″ and still wouldn’t see the bonnet on my corsa! 😣 so I’m terrified of hitting another car because of this. Please help as the whole situation is knocking me sick everytime I get in the car. In my old fiesta i could zip around and front bay part with my eyes closed 😕 Will I ever get used to this car?

  8. Hi Mark,
    You don’t really need to see the front of your car. Most new small cars have very steep sloping bonnets making it difficult – no one can see the front on these small cars. You just need to use reference points. See the ‘Where to stop in the bay’ on this page, forward park into a bay in a good position so that your front and rear are in the bay (get some help if you need it) and then look at where the kerb or line at the front comes into your car, it’s usually somewhere under your right mirror (see the pic under that heading). Make sure you remain in the same seating position with your back into the seat else the reference point will change. You can even put a small sticker as the reference point if you wish. Just use that – when the kerb or line lines up with your reference point, stop. Simple as that. As you get more practice, you’ll get the hang of it and rely on reference points much less. You can also use this reference point for stopping at junction lines etc.

  9. Halyna

    Great explanation
    Thank you

  10. Nicole (ADI)

    make sure you start with the car wheels straight..look at the steering wheel ..turn either left or right until the top is at the bottom..

  11. Ankit

    Great lessons and tutorials in this whole website

  12. JAVED

    Dear Sir/Mam,
    I am getting training through left hand driven car. The issue is that “I am not able to judge as parking bay first line came under the mirror or not” for left or right bay parking from my sitting position as mentioned in 3rd reference point. I am referring images for “Forward bay parking to the right or let reference point” but practically not helping out.

  13. Hi Javed,
    Reference points can vary a little for individual cars and in your case, due to it being a left-hand driven car. It might be best to make your own reference points. Ask your trainer to tell you when your car is lined up with the bay line, in other words, tell you when the line physically lines up with your mirror as in the diagram, then where ever the line comes into the car, use that as a reference point. If the reference point is in a location that’s not easy to remember, it can be beneficial to use small stickers to place inside your vehicle for reference point reminders.

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