Double yellow lines along the left of the road can be a misunderstood by many as they are often thought of as no stopping under any circumstances.
Although there can be exceptions to parking on double yellow lines, it is often an offence to do so meaning traffic wardens frequent such areas as results are often easily obtained.
This section offers a guide to double yellow line parking rules, vehicles loading or unloading, disabled badge holders and vehicles that stop to board or unload a passenger, plus Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) fines for double yellow lines.
Double yellow lines are put in place to prevent motorists from stopping at the side of the road for safety reasons and/or to aid in preventing traffic congestion.
Double yellow lines rules
Double yellow line rules state that a restriction is imposed to motorists to stop where the double yellow lines are in place unless otherwise stated, usually in the form of signs that signify times that are permitted.
If signage is not in place that permits stopping on double yellow lines, motorists are prohibited from stopping 24 hours per day, 7 days per week which includes Sundays and public holidays.

Exceptions to parking on double yellow lines
There are however some exceptions for the parking on double yellow lines law where it becomes legal. These are as follows:
Vehicles loading or unloading whilst on double yellow lines
A vehicle unloading or loading for commercial purposes is permitted to stop on double yellow lines, though the unloading or loading must be continuous, must not exceed 40 minutes for heavy goods vehicles, 20 minutes for cars or light goods vehicles and that there must not be waiting restriction kerb markings or signs in place. Loading or unloading must be obvious to the Civil Enforcement Officer (parking attendant).
Picking up or dropping off passengers on double yellow lines
Motorists that briefly stop on double yellow lines to pick up or drop off passengers are permitted providing no stopping restrictions are in force.
Disabled blue badge holders parking on double yellow lines
Vehicles displaying a valid blue badge are permitted to park on double yellow lines up to a maximum of 3 hours providing there are no loading restriction in place. Disabled blue badges must be displayed at all times as well as the accompanying time clock. The time clock must be set to the time of arrival. Although parking on double yellow lines is permitted, it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure they park in an area where they do not cause an obstruction, hazard or danger to other road users.
Authority services
Authority services such as the police and ambulance authorities are permitted to stop and park on double yellow lines providing they are engaged on official duties.
Can You Park on the Pavement Next to Double Yellow Lines
That’s quite a common question, or ‘parking on verge, or the other side next to double yellow lines‘. Parking on the pavement has its own potential issues, those aside, whether you want to park behind double yellow lines, the other side of them, whether there’s a pavement or a grass verge, the answer is no, it’s illegal.
Waiting restrictions apply from the centre of the carriageway to the back of the pavement (building line). Even if it’s a seemingly harmless grass verge, you’ll still get ticketed as it’s council property.
Vehicle Overhangs Double Yellow Lines
Motorists are often caught out by ensuring that the tyres are not touching the double yellow lines, but part of their vehicle overhangs the lines. Regulations allow for tickets to be issued if any part of a vehicle overhangs double yellow lines, even if the tyres are not touching them. Most parking officers are urged to use a degree of common sense on this and where tickets are issued due to a vehicle is overhanging the lines by a tiny margin, it may prove beneficial in disputing the violation. Always provide photographic evidence when disputing a case.
Penalty Charge Notice and double yellow lines
Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) are issued to motorists that do not conform to the rules for double yellow lines. With the exception of a commercial vehicle loading or unloading and a blue badge holder, a enforcement personnel will usually wait for around 3-5 minutes before issuing a PCN although if the vehicle is left unattended, a PCN will often be issued immediately.
A PCN is often issued immediately if a vehicle is stopped in a loading and unloading restricted area or within its restricted time zones. Restricted times zones are put in place on double yellow lines to prevent obstruction to the flow of traffic and potential or dangerous hazards.
Double yellow line parking fine
A double yellow line parking fine is usually £70 and if paid within 14 days, is reduced by 50% This may however vary depending on the council borough.
Double yellow line signs
Where a restriction applies all year round, yellow ‘At any time’ signs are no longer used. Double yellow lines may have a sign accompanying them. In this instance, no waiting at any time during the summer months (1 May – 30 Sept) in the direction of the arrow. No waiting at any time throughout the year in the opposite direction (no yellow plate required). The changeover point is indicated in the carriageway by the transverse mark on the double yellow lines.
Restricted loading and unloading on double yellow lines
Kerb markings follow a similar rule to single and double yellow lines. Single yellow lines restrict parking at certain times of day and double yellow lines restrict parking at any time. Yellow kerb markings are painted at right angles to the kerb and enforcement is represented by either a single yellow kerb marking or a double yellow kerb marking used in conjunction with the appropriate no loading sign.
Learner drivers on the driving test
During the driving test, your driving examiner will not ask you to park anywhere illegal such as on double yellow lines in an attempt to see if you park illegally. They will only request that you stop the car on the left in a location that is legal to stop.
I watched a YouTube video where a fake traffic warden was giving out tickets to police officers parked on double yellow lines. In the final video the police officer came out of her vehicle and said what are you doing? I have not parked, I’m still in my vehicle and have only stopped this isn’t illegal on double yellow lines. Is that true?
Hello Myles
Unless there are signs that suggest otherwise, you must not stop or wait on double yellow lines. You may load or unload a vehicle of goods providing there are no loading restrictions in place (usually by markings on kerbs). However, you can allow passengers to enter and exit a vehicle though you must move off immediately – this is providing there are no other restrictions in force such as no stopping.
So essentially, unless the police officer was allowing passenger/s to board or alight, or they were loading or unloading the vehicle (goods), then they were parked illegally.
Authority services
Authority services such as the police and ambulance authorities are permitted to stop and park on double yellow lines providing they are engaged on official duties
so yes they can when they are on duty
…..if she was on official duty.
What is considered parking on double yellows , is it if your wheels are touching the lines , if any part of your vehicle is over the yellow lines , if u are within half a metre ?
Hello David,
It is from the centre of the carriageway and includes the other side – so if you were to park on the pavement or even a grass verge, this would still be considered a restricted area.
If you have avoided parking on double yellow lines and your vehicles wheels are clear of them but you have a mini bus with a boot that is just over the lines. What is the situation then. Have I parked legally or not.
Hello Kate,
Any part of your vehicle that overhangs double yellow lines, regardless of whether the tyres are not touching the lines is grounds for being issued a ticket.
I would like to know if it is against the law to pass a trash truck or a mail truck on a double yellow line if they are stopped and or in the traffic lane?
Hello Linda, if you’re referring to UK law, there are no traffic violations imposed for passing a vehicle that has stopped on double yellow lines. You must however not cross a solid white line (where the line nearest to you is solid) unless the vehicle is stationary, or a road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph or less.
Do loading stripes include the loading and unloading of passengers or just goods?
Hello Claire. You may stop while passengers board or alight providing there are no other restrictions in place that prevent this.
They have just painted double yellow lines in my street but there are no signs. Are the yellow lines in force or do there have to be signs at each end of the markings?
Hi Richard.
If double yellow lines have no signs, it actually means they’re in force (no waiting) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If double yellow lines do have signs to accompany them, it will display times that parking is permitted. These times are usually seasonal.
hi i have received a parking ticket for parking on a grass verge adjacent to double yellows. my vehicle was parked the right way and a good foot away from the carriageway, it was in the Derbyshire peak district so no building line….
Hi Gary.
As double yellow lines are enforced on either side, I’m not sure if you have grounds for appeal.
In reply to myles.
I would say that she is correct. As I understand it is that the car is only parked if the driver is not in it.
I read the road traffic act about 50 years ago and it stated that one can stop on double yellow lines outside a pharmacy to collect a prescripted medicine.
Hi Tony. I didn’t know that. I assume this no longer applies?
I parked on a grass verge well off the double yellow lines as I was picking up someone and had to leave my vehicle to go and help them. The PCN was received with no observation period whatsoever however I cannot prove that I was picking someone up so fear my appeal will not hold?
Hi Scott,
The restrictions for double yellow lines apply to both sides, so that would be the carriageway and in your case, the grass verge. You are legally permitted to pick up and drop off passengers on double yellow lines, but it should be one continuous action and should not involve leaving the car.
I was issued a PCN as a result of parking on a double yellow lines with zig gag during out of the hours of restriction.
Any chance of winning an appeal.
Hello Martin,
I would assume that the restriction time plate is related to the yellow zig zag lines and not the double yellows. If that’s the case, the double yellow lines restrictions (no waiting) will be in force 24/7.
Not sure if this right place to ask a question re a parking ticket I got today. This was in a country road in Wilts. I parked at the far end of a laybye on hard standing.
Towards the end of the hard standing, there’s about 20 yards of double yellows. I was parked inside the double yellows but not on the road or touching them at all. I was totally off the road on solid ground. I was not obstructing anyone driving on the road. But I got a ticket.
I have read bits about the yellows deemed to extend to the path but I was not on a path.
I am pretty mad about this ticket.
How do I stand legally do you think?
Andy B
Hi Andy,
I’m not sure of the specifics in your case, but parking restrictions apply to both sides of the double yellow lines.
Double yellow line restrictions apply to the road, pavement and verge. It sounds that in your instance, you could be deemed to be parking on the verge.
Thanks for your reply. I don’t class it as a verge. Its a tarmac and stone space at the end of a lay bye and even has kerbstones along its edge. Its not a space created by people just parking on a grass verge. I would like to attach some pictures but I don’t know if I can on here. I can send them on WhatsApp if you are on that?, I know this seems a fuss but I did not expect a £35 fine for a days fishing 🎣
Hi Andy,
I would check out if I were you. These guys are far more on it in terms of Traffic Regulation Orders. Post the details of your ticket along with the photos and I think they’ll be able to help.
Hi Everyone
As above I appealed to Wilts Cc regarding the PCN I got whilst parked at the end of a laybye which has double yellows in the last 20 yards or so.
My appeal was rejected. One minor annoyance is the letter has a PP signature at the end.
It’s impossible to read that signature. None of the rest of the letter identifies who made the decision. Is that actually allowed?. Do Wilts cc have to state who made that decision?
I’ve received 10 PCN tickets in the last 10 days the council tarmaced the road 2 years ago they reinstalled the yellow lines but couldn’t gain access to were two cars were parked so the yellow lines have been missing in the two spaces for over 2 years now all of a sudden theyre ticketing saying we are parked on yellow lines because there’s no T bar its stupid I’m appealling ( there isnt any yellow lines were we park)
Hello Green fingers,
10 tickets in 10 days seems harsh, but why did you continue to park there after receiving the first ticket? I think the council has a duty to properly install the yellow lines as I’m sure there will be others who unwittingly park there.
Hi I received a ticket for picking up my sick daughter on a double yellow line, I stopped for no more than 30 seconds and there was no obstruction to anyone. Apparently it was private property and a parking officer from CPM took a picture from across the street and now I have to deal with the PCN that I received. Am I in the wrong as I was under the impression that you can pick up and drop off on double yellow? If I am right is there any form from government website I can use to prove this?
Hi Aaron,
You’re prohibited from waiting on double yellow lines, unless there’s signage that specifically allow you to. You can stop and let out a passenger, or stop and pick up a passenger, but it must be an immediate and continuous action. If you waited for your daughter to arrive, rather than her not already waiting for you, then I assume that’s where the penalty is. There is of course the Highway Code, much of which is advice, but gives general rules on double yellow lines and the Road Traffic Regulation Act.
Hi thanks for the response, I did not wait for my daughter and it was a continuous and immediate action, so much so that the pictures on the PCN issued shows the door open with my daughter climbing in to the vehicle. I left the scene within 30 seconds which is why I’m very shocked that I’ve been given a ticket
Hi Aaron,
That does seem very unreasonable then. Are you sure there were no other restrictions in the area?
No restrictions as far as I know, the company CPM that issued the ticket say that there is a sign that says “no parking on roadways at any time” but of course turned out to be a small sign that is barely visible.
I’ve added google map link to where the pick up happened, exactly where the small black Toyota is parked (if the link works),-0.2505248,3a,75y,321.65h,82.35t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sg62a4H9QqJ25QK2pE-txew!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
Can’t see any no stopping restrictions. Could be worth challenging the PCN Aaron.
So I can’t stop with my caravan on double yellow lines, whilst I unlock the gates to gain entry, other option would be to pull up to gates having taken the large swing required to get into yard, stop blocking whole road while I unlock gates.
i got fined today for parking on a pavement. There are double yellow lines on the road but none on the pavement. Is there anyway out of this parking fine? Please help.
Hi Gema,
The prohibition of double yellow lines applies both sides from the centre of the carriageway to the verge and that includes the pavement. So I’m afraid, there’s little hope of a successful appeal.
I was in the Derbyshire Peak District at the weekend, away from any buildings, in the countryside, and parked in what looked like a parking bay. It had gravel/stone base that most definitely seemed like a parking bay by the side of the road. I parked as far away from the road as I could, giving a good 4 foot from the double yellows, but alas I got the dreaded PCN. Is this contestable? Many thanks in advance. Chris
Hi Chris,
Those wardens seem to pop up out of nowhere don’t they. What the ‘parking bay’ looked like is irrelevant, it’s all about the double yellow lines. Double yellow lines are enforced on both sides, so that will be the side that extends to the centre of the highway, and the other side, on the verge where you parked. What could be contestable could be construed as the ‘boundary’ in which in which a PCN could be issued on the non-highway side. Unfortunately, I don’t think 4 foot will cut it, so the answer is probably no. Always worth looking into the lines themselves, do they follow regulation in terms of size, were they clear, in good condition, easy to see etc.
Thanks for your detailed response. And yes, they do pop up in the most unexpected places!
I’d happily post a photo for you to see, as I, and the other two vehicles that my friends were driving took. we were all surprised by this.
I’m always happy to help, but to be honest there are people online who deal specifically with this and know a lot more in regards to the specifics of the law, road marking regulations (regulation size etc) and parking tickets. If you do a search for ‘parking ticket appeal forum’ you should see a few results pop up and they’re usually willing to help. We’re more about teaching learner drivers, but happy to help if possible.
Fair enough. Thanks again for your time, it’s much appreciated.
You’re welcome Chris and good luck!
Waiting restrictions
Waiting restrictions indicated by yellow lines apply to the carriageway, pavement and verge. You may stop to load or unload (unless there are also loading restrictions as described below) or while passengers board or alight. Double yellow lines mean no waiting at any time, unless there are signs that specifically indicate seasonal restrictions. The times at which the restrictions apply for other road markings are shown on nearby plates or on entry signs to controlled parking zones. If no days are shown on the signs, the restrictions are in force every day including Sundays and Bank Holidays. White bay markings and upright signs (see below) indicate where parking is allowed.
If yellow lines are faded to the point where completely broken at all parts and just faint yellow patches remain can this be enforced?
Hi Mark,
I think it’s worth saying that just because double yellow lines are broken or faded, doesn’t mean that the restriction is no longer there. What determines the validity of the parking restriction is whether the lines are sufficiently broken or faded to such an extent that the driver could park there and inadvertently break the law. Or, whether they are simply trying to ‘get away with it’. Ultimately with an appeal, it will be the result of an independent adjudicator that would have the final decision.