Bradford Eccleshill Driving Test Routes 6-10

Recently the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) stopped publishing the driving test routes for each test centre to prevent test candidates from practicing the routes that the examiners take you on.

The driving test routes for Bradford Eccleshill may have altered in the mean-time, although it is likely they are very similar if not identical. Listed below are the driving test centre routes for Bradford Eccleshill, routes 6-10.

The Bradford Eccleshill driving test routes should be used for a guide only as test routes are for the discretion of the test examiner and may be subject to change.

Driving test routes incorporate the most challenging areas to drive in that particular location. Study the roads and the routes to establish which areas you will need practice on.


Driving test routes for Sat Nav, Google Maps, Google Earth, iPhone, Android & CoPilot Live are available. Browse to see if the Bradford Eccleshill driving test routes are available for your device in the Driving Test Routes for Sat Nav section.


  • EOR – End of Road
  • T/L – Traffic Lights
  • DTC – Driving Test Centre
Name of Practical Test CentreBradford (Eccleshill)
Type of Test RouteCar
Route Number6
Name/ Number of RoadDirection
Victoria RdLeft
Stony LaneBecomes
Stone Hall RdEOR right
Bolton RdT/L ahead, right
Queens RdT/L right
Manningham LaneBecomes
Keighley RdBecomes
Bradford RdT/L right
Otley RdT/L right
Valley RdLeft
Crag RdEOR left
Festival AvenueRight
Hollin LaneEOR right
Carr LaneBecomes
Wrose RdLeft
Westfield LaneRight
KingswayEOR right
Kings RdT/L right
Wrose RdT/L left
Livingstone RdEOR right
Wrose RdT/L ahead
Wrose RdRoundabout ahead 3 rd exit
Norman LaneBecomes
Victoria RdLeft
Victoria RdDTC
Route Number7
Name/ Number of RoadDirection
Victoria RdRoundabout left
Harrogate RdLeft
Orchard GroveLeft
Averingcliffe RdRight
Idlethorpe WayLeft
Rockwell LaneEOR right
Rowantree DriveRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Rowantree DriveEOR left
Bradford RdRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Bradford RdRoundabout right 4 th exit
Wrose RdT/L right
Kings RdLeft
KingswayEOR left
Westfield LaneEOR right
Wrose RdBecomes
Carr LaneT/L right
Leeds RdRight
Town LaneLeft
High StMini-roundabout right 3 rd exit
Idlecroft RdEOR right
Bradford RdRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Bradford RdRoundabout left 1 st exit
Norman LaneBecomes
Victoria RdLeft
Victoria RdDTC
Route Number8
Name/ Number of RoadDirection
Victoria RdRoundabout right 3 rd exit
Pullan AvenueT/L ahead
Bolton RdRight
Grove House RdLeft
Ashbourne WayThen
Ashbourne WayRight
Ashbourne RdEOR right
Bolton LaneLeft
Kings RdBecomes
Canal RdBecomes
Shipley Airedale RdT/L left
Barkerend RdRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit,
Barkerend RdT/L ahead becomes
Leeds Old RdRoundabout ahead becomes
Leeds RdT/L left
Gain LaneLeft, left
Fagley RdT/L right
Killinghall RdT/L right
Harrogate RdLeft
Leeds RdRight
Leafield AvenueEOR left
Leeds RdEOR left
Harrogate RdRoundabout 2 nd exit
Victoria RdLeft
Tunwell StDTC
Route Number9
Name/ Number of RoadDirection
Victoria RdRoundabout right 3 rd exit
Pullan AvenueT/L left
Idle RdCrossroads left
Northcote RdT/L left
Otley RdT/L right
Killinghall RdT/L left
Leeds Old RdLeft
Roydstone TerraceRight
Leeds Old RdT/L left
Killinghall RdT/L ahead becomes
Sticker LaneRight
Bowling Back LaneRight
Blanche StLeft
Pawson StRight
Planetrees RdEOR left
Leeds RdRight
Upper Seymour StEOR left
Barkerend RdRoundabout right 3 rd exit
New Otley RdBecomes
Otley RdT/L right
Undercliffe Old RdThen T/L right
Otley RdT/L ahead
Harrogate RdRoundabout 2 nd exit
Victoria RdLeft
Tunwell StDTC
Route Number10
Name/ Number of RoadDirection
Victoria RdLeft
Stony LaneBecomes
Stone Hall RdEOR right
Bolton RdT/L ahead
Bolton RdRight
Grove House RdLeft
Ashbourne WayEOR left
Brisbane AvenueEOR left
Kings RdT/L right
Queens RdT/L left
Midland RdEOR left
Hamm StrasseT/L right
Valley RdRoundabout 2 nd exit
Holdsworth StT/L left
Canal RdT/L ahead
Canal RdT/L right
Shipley Airedale RdT/L left
Barkerend RdLeft
Otley RdEOR left
Otley RdT/L right
Undercliffe Old RdRight
Barmby RdEOR left
Pollard LaneLeft
Killinghall RdT/L right
Harrogate RdRoundabout 2 nd exit
Victoria RdLeft
Tunwell StDTC


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