Kings Lynn Driving Test Routes

Recently the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) stopped publishing the driving test routes for each test centre to prevent test candidates from practicing the routes that the examiners take you on.

The driving test routes for Kings Lynn may have altered in the mean-time, although it is likely they are very similar if not identical. Listed below are the driving test centre routes for Kings Lynn, routes 1-5.

The Kings Lynn driving test routes should be used for a guide only as test routes are for the discretion of the test examiner and may be subject to change.

Driving test routes incorporate the most challenging areas to drive in that particular location. Study the roads and the routes to establish which areas you will need practice on.


Driving test routes for Sat Nav, Google Maps, Google Earth, iPhone, Android & CoPilot Live are available. Browse to see if the Kings Lynn driving test routes are available for your device in the Driving Test Routes for Sat Nav section.


  • EOR – End of Road
  • T/L – Traffic Lights
  • DTC – Driving Test Centre
Name of Practical Test CentreKings Lynn
Type of Test RouteCar
Route Number1
Name/Number of RoadDirection
Bergen WayEOR left
Hamburg WayEOR right
Edward Benefer Way / Low RdT/L right
Wootton RdLeft
Reffley LaneMini roundabout right
Fenland RdRight
Burnham AveEOR right
Fenland RdEOR left
Wootton Rd / Lynn Rd / Gaywood Rd / Littleport St / Blackfriars Rd / St Johns Terrace / St James Rd / London RdT/L right
Millfleet / Stonegate StMini roundabout left
Boal St / Boal Quay / South Quay / Staithe LaneEOR left
King St / Tuesday Market Place / St
Nicholas St
EOR left
St Anne’s St / North StT/L left
John Kennedy Rd / Edward Benefer WayRight
Hamburg WayRight
Bergen WayRight
Route Number2
Name/Number of RoadDirection
DTCEOR right
Bergen WayEOR left
Edward Benefer Way / John Kennedy Way / Austin St / Blackfriars Rd / St John TerraceT/L left
St James Rd / London RdT/L left
Hospital Walk / Windsor TerraceLeft
Goodwins RdMini roundabout right
Vancouver AveRoundabout ahead
Nar Ouse Rd2 x roundabouts ahead, roundabout right
Southern Bypass A47Roundabout 3 rd exit
Clenchwarton RdRight
Wisbech RdLeft, roundabout left
London Rd / St James Rd / Railway Rd / John Kennedy Rd / Edward Benefer WayRight
Hamburg WayRight
Bryggen RdRight
Bergen WayLeft
Route Number3
Name/Number of RoadDirection
Bergen WayEOR left
Edward Benefer Way / John Kennedy RdLeft
Loke RdMini roundabout ahead
Columbia WayEOR right
Lady Jane Gray RdLeft
Reid Way / Woolstencroft AveEOR right
Lady Jane Gray RdRight
Newlands AveRight
St Edmundsbury RdRight
Losinga Rd / Raby AveMini roundabout ahead
Loke RdEOR right
Gaywood Rd / Littleport St / Blackfriars Rd / St
Johns Terrace
St James Rd / London RdRight
Millfleet / Stonegate StMini roundabout right
Church StRight
St James StLeft
St James Rd / Railway Rd / John Kennedy RdLeft
Austin StEOR right
Chapel St / St Annes St / North StEOR left
John Kennedy Rd / Edward Benefer WayRight
Bergen WayLeft
Route Number4
Name/Number of RoadDirection
Bergen WayEOR left
Edward Benefer Way / John Kennedy Rd
/ Austin St / Littleport St / Gaywood Rd
T/L right
Tennyson Ave / Tennyson Rd / Goodwins RdMini roundabout right, crossroads ahead
Windsor RdLeft
London RdRoundabout 3 rd exit
Nar Ouse Rd2 x roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Southern By Pass A47Roundabout left
Hardwick RdRoundabout 3 rd exit
London Rd / St James Rd / Railway Rd / John Kennedy Rd / Edward Benefer WayRight
Bergen WayRight
Bryggen RdEOR left
Hamburg WayLeft
Bergen WayRight
Route Number5
Name/Number of RoadDirection
DTCEOR right
Bergen WayEOR right
Edward Benefer WayLeft
Hall Lane / Church LaneLeft
Nursery LaneLeft
Manor RdEOR left, EOR left
Priory Lane / Ling Common RdEOR right
Castle Rising RdT/L ahead
Wootton Rd / Lynn Rd / Gaywood RdT/L right
Loke RdMini roundabout left, T/L right
John Kennedy Rd / Edward Benefer WayRight
Bergen WayLeft


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