Rothesay Driving Test Routes

Recently the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) stopped publishing the driving test routes for each test centre to prevent test candidates from practicing the routes that the examiners take you on.

The driving test routes for Rothesay Driving Test Centre may have altered in the mean-time, although it is likely they are very similar if not identical. Listed below are the driving test centre routes for Rothesay, routes 1 to 2.

The Rothesay driving test routes should be used for a guide only as test routes are for the discretion of the test examiner and may be subject to change.

Driving test routes incorporate the most challenging areas to drive in that particular location. Study the roads and the routes to establish which areas you will need practice on.


Driving test routes for Sat Nav, Google Maps, Google Earth, iPhone, Android & CoPilot Live are available. Browse to see if the Rothesay driving test routes are available for your device in the Driving Test Routes for Sat Nav section.


  • EOR – End of Road
  • T/L – Traffic Lights
  • DTC – Driving Test Centre
Name of Test CentreRothesay, Bute Island
Type of Test RouteCar
Route Number1
Name/ Number of RoadDirection
Queen StEOR right
Ladeside StEOR right
Bridgend St / GallowgateEOR left
Victoria St / Argyll StLeft
Ardbeg RdRight
Wyndham RdEOR left
Marine Place / Pointhouse Crescent
/ Shore Rd
Marine Rd4 th left
George StLeft
Castle StEOR left, right
High RdAhead
Rothesay / Ardbeg Rd / Argyle St / Victoria St / Albert PlaceRight
Bishop StRight
Castle StLeft
High StAhead, right
Eden DriveEOR left
Roslin RdLeft
Minister’s BraeEOR right
High StLeft
Russell StRight
Route Number2
Name/ Number of RoadDirection
DTCEOR right
Queen StRight
High StLeft
Castle StLeft
Bishop StEOR right
East Princess St / Battery Place2 nd right
Bogany RdEOR left
Crichton RdLeft
Leopold RdEOR right
Mount Stuart Rd / Craigmore RdLeft
Ardencraig RdAhead
Crichton Rd2 nd right
Grosvenor RdEOR left
Mount Stuart RdLeft
Bogany RdEOR right
Crichton RdEOR right
Fauldtrees RdEOR left
Battery Place / Princess StAhead
Albert PlaceAhead
Victoria StLeft
Bridgend StLeft
Collumshill StAhead, EOR right
Barone RdLeft
Meadow RdRight
Auchnacloich RdEOR right
Barone Rd2 nd right
Union StLeft, EOR right
High StLeft
Eden DriveEOR left
Roslin Rd / Ministers BraeEOR right
High StLeft
Russell StRight
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