Provided are contact details for Perth Driving Test Centre, test route tips, test booking information and help passing the driving test in Perth and Kinross.
Practical Driving Test Centre Address
North Muirton Ind Estate
Arran Road
Perth and Kinross
Test Centre Details: No ramp access for disabled test candidate – special arrangements will be made. Male and female toilet facilities available.
Test Centre Provides Tests For: Car, Lorries, large vehicles and buses
Varied roads are to be taken during the test from Perth Driving Test Centre. Initially starting in Perth itself, the test often covers rural country roads and high speed ‘A’ roads such as the A9 dual carriageway. Rural roads although quiet, represent one of the most hazardous roads due to a combination of high speed and harsh corners.
To gain a better understanding of speed on rural roads, see the country road driving tutorial. The driving test is to include a single test manoeuvre (the choice of manoeuvres is for the examiner to decide) with the emergency stop procedure being likely having a 1-in-3 possibility of being requested.
Practical driving tests for cars now include independent driving. This takes around 10 minutes and simply involves following a basic map displayed by the examiner whilst stationary, following road direction signs or a combination of both. The examiner will require around 10 minutes of independent driving.
Test centre routes are designed by the examiners who conduct practical tests at their local test centre. The routes are designed in such a way so to involve as many diverse roads and traffic systems as possible, often including very challenging parts. Gaining knowledge of the test routes provides valuable insight into the type of roads that will be taken during your test. Driving test routes may be available to view or a downloadable app for your mobile device in your area, including Perth Driving Test Centre.
Driving tests are conducted throughout the week at many of the UK test centres. Certain busy test centres may also conduct tests during the weekend. Weekend bookings incur a slightly higher charge than weekday bookings.
Book a driving test by phone
Practical driving tests can be booked over the telephone via an automated service. To book a test at either of the Perth Driving Test Centres, see the book a driving test section for booking contact telephone numbers. Although this is an automated service, a Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) assistant can be reached by following the prompts.

Book your driving test online
The majority of test candidates book their driving test over the internet as the available free test slots are made visible to be taken. To make a test booking at any of the Perth Driving Test Centres, see the book a driving test section.
Rescheduling or cancelling the driving test
Driving Tests can be rescheduled or cancelled. Changing your driving test date can be done providing three working days’ notice is given. To cancel your test and receive a full refund from DVSA bookings, three working days’ notice must also be provided. Saturdays are also classed as a working day.
Throughout the UK practical driving test centres, pass rates vary. Certain centres, often in very busy areas may have a slightly lower pass rate and in this situation, some test candidates decide to take their test at an alternative test centre. The driving test pass rates section may show driving test pass rate statistics for your practical test centre.
Your practical driving test centre contact telephone number (including the Perth Driving Test Centres) may be located on your test booking email confirmation, or found within the driving test centre contact numbers section. Test centres must not be contacted to book, cancel or amend a driving test however (see above), and only to contact the centre manager if you have any questions or concerns regarding your test, for example if a test is still going ahead due to bad weather (See driving tests in bad weather for further information).
Tell others about your experience at Perth Driving Test Centre and let us know how your test went, did you pass or fail, how was the test centre, were there toilets or parking facilities? Were the test routes difficult? How were the test examiners? It’s quick and simple – no signup necessary and only your nickname will be displayed. To ensure your review meets our guidelines, please read our Terms and Conditions prior to submission.
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I had Julie for my test, completely understand her professionalism with being careful as it's a daunting experience for both people in the test. But she really shattered my confidence when she shouted at me to put the breaks on when I was about to. Then from there I just melted. I got a major there and then and knew it. Then when we were on a country road that I didn't see fit to do 60mph as there was alot of bends, someone was really close behind me and she told me pull over safely, on a country road? With a car behind me? And to quote her reasoning why 'Get him out your hole' completely unprofessional there and my instructor at the time agreed. At one stage I had to pull over when we were in a small town so I could breathe and calm down. She then failed me further on overtaking a bus, because I should of stayed in that lane? It wasn't safe to stay behind a bus so close? At the end once we arrived back she asked me if I wanted my feedback shared with my instructor and I really didn't but she proceeded to do so.