Driving Test Tutorials

Learn to drive with our driving test tutorials

Whether you already have plenty of hours of driving experience or are starting out learning to drive, there is never enough advice, tips and tutorials to help you pass the difficult UK practical driving test.

The UK practical driving test has a reputation for being one of the most difficult to pass. As the driving test evolves over time, Driving Test Tips is constantly adding new tutorials and updating current tutorials to help you do just that – pass the driving test.

The driving test tutorials listed on Driving Test Tips are all completely free, comprehensive and detailed in every area. Each tutorial is written and designed by fully qualified and experienced driving instructors.

If followed correctly in every detail and if applicable, used in conjunction with your current instructors techniques, they will provide an invaluable source of help. There is a tutorial or guide to assist you in every part of the learning to drive process.

Car cockpit drillCockpit Drill

The cockpit drill is explained during the very first lesson when you take driving lessons. It involves understanding the car controls, seats and mirrors, how to use them, adjust them and how they work.

Setting up the car mirrorsMirror Adjustment and Setting up the Mirrors

Explained is the correct procedure for setting up the centre and door mirrors to provide you with the best views on the driving test, plus possible benefits of adjusting mirrors during your test.

How to steer a car properlySteering a Car Properly Technique

A guide to learn the push and pull technique for steering the car to a driving test standard. This technique will demonstrate control and safety to the examiner, plus what should be avoided such as dry steering.

How to use car brakes, braking tutorialHow to use the Car Brakes Correctly

Most learner drivers are heavy footed when it comes to braking. This is perfectly normal and takes time to perfect. This guide explains the basics of how brakes work and a technique for how to correctly use them.

How to change gearHow to Change Gears

If using a manual car, changing gears can be a challenge. This tutorial provides a technique to change gears so that the correct gear is always selected. The tutorial also covers When to change gear and an explanation of Block gear changing.

The driving car blind spot explainedDriving / Car Blind Spot

During the practical driving test, examiners are extremely strict when it comes to checking the blind spot. To avoid failing your test on the blind spot, read our guide on explaining exactly what the blind spot is and when you should check it.

Car instrument panel explainedCar Instrument Panel

The car instrument panel if often explained just before you move the car off for the first time. This guide will explain the various gauges, how to use them and how they can be beneficial for not stalling.

Moving off and stopping in a carMoving Off and Stopping in a Car

Now that the basics have been covered, we can begin driving the car. The novice driver tutorials contained in this section cover Moving off in a carCover the brakeBraking in a carStopping a carKerbside parkingHit the kerb and Moving off at an angle.

Learning hill starts for drivingHill Starts

As we now have the basics covered for moving off and stopping, advancing slightly will see us moving off on a slope. This tutorial teaches test standard hill starts and downhill starts.

When to signal / indicate whilst drivingWhen to Signal / Indicate Whilst Driving

This tutorial explains to learner drivers and experienced driving wishing to take the UK practical driving test when signals / indicators should be used and when they shouldn’t. Tutorial also includes the use of: Driving hand signals.

Stopping in trafficStopping in Traffic

Although a seemingly easy procedure, stopping in traffic can on occasions lead to unsuspecting surprises if not planned correctly. This guide provides tips on planning and reference points to help learner drivers use the correct speed and distance for stopping in traffic.

Anticipation and planning for drivingAnticipation and Planning

Anticipation and planning is not only one of the major key components required to passing the practical driving test, it is also essential to maintain safe driving for life. Learning this skill allows you to predict events happening ahead.

Speed awareness whilst drivingSpeed Awareness

Explanation of speed control during the UK practical driving test, becoming speed aware and how to deal with the examiner if driving too fast or too slow. Tutorial also includes: Mandatory & advisory speed limits & signs.

Passing parked cars tutorial for learner driversPassing Parked Cars

The practical driving test often takes you around narrow roads with parked cars. Passing parked cars requires forward thinking and a good understanding of what should be done given any situation.

Learning Clutch control for drivingClutch Control

A good level of clutch control is required to pass the driving test. Tutorials and complete guides, starting with the basics on understanding the car clutch including: Slipping the clutchClutch bite point, Ride the clutchWhat is coasting, How to stop stalling a car and Wheelspin.

Driving routines for learner driversDriving Routines

All the learning to drive routines that driving instructors use when teaching learners to drive. These techniques help learners understand how to drive. Explained in detail including: Mirror Signal Manoeuvre (MSM)SCALP, MSPSL, LADA, POM and DSSSM.

Kerbside parking driving tutorialKerbside Parking

The practical driving test involves a great deal of kerbside parking. Many tests are failed due to this. Often learner drivers find it difficult to gain a good understanding of parking distances. This driving test tutorial offers easy reference points to make parking easier.

Learning driving test manoeuvresDriving Test Manoeuvres

During the driving test you will be asked for one of the possible four manoeuvres. This menu page covers in-depth tutorials of all manoeuvres to ensure you get them all perfected. Test manoeuvre tutorials include: Straight reverseTurn in the road, Reverse round a cornerBay parking, Parallel / reverse parking and Road camber.

Learning to drive traffic lightsTraffic Lights

Approaching traffic lights, stopping at traffic lights and taking the wrong lane during the driving test is included in this guide. Also an explanation of the UK traffic light sequence, when it’s acceptable to proceed and when you must stop. Plus rules on filter traffic lights. Tutorial included: Traffic light sequence.

Learning pedestrian crossings for drivingPedestrian Crossings

The driving test will certainly include most pedestrian crossing types if available in your area. Examiners are strict around these and understanding the correct rules and procedures for dealing for all types is essential. Tutorials include: Zebra crossings, Pelican crossings, Puffin crossings and Toucan crossing.

Other road users tutorial guideOther Road Users

We do of course share our busy and condensed roads with other road users. Tutorials contained within this section explain how to safely drive around large vehicles, buses and bus lanes, how to deal with emergency vehicles, motorcycle safety for car drivers, cyclists and cycle lanes and driving and pedestrian safety.

Learning the emergency stop for drivingEmergency Stop

With a one-in-three chance of the emergency stop being asked on every driving test, it’s essential to get this manoeuvre correct not only to pass the driving test, but for continual safe driving after you have passed the test.

Learning lane discipline for drivingLane Discipline

Lane discipline is something of a challenge to learner drivers initially during normal driving, but especially at roundabouts. This driving test tutorial provides tips on not only lane discipline, but: Road positioning and Changing lanes.

Learning left and right turns for drivingLeft and Right Turns

The practical driving test will involve the examiner requesting that you take many different types of left and right turns. This driving test tutorial explains the correct procedure for left and right turns along with potential hazards to be aware of. Included: How to make a left turn and How to make a right turn.

Learning road junctionsRoad Junctions

Junctions make up a huge part of the driving test and you will cover all types of road junctions during your test. Tutorials include: Types of T-junction, Junction linesTurning left at a T-junction, Turning right at a T-junctionBox junctionsStaggered junction and Creep and peep.

Learning crossroad junctions for drivingCrossroad Junctions

Tutorial for crossroads, different types of crossroads, the dangers of crossroads and dealing with them on the driving test. Also covered, turning right using the nearside or offside technique explained. See also: Nearside / offside explained.

Learning roundabouts for drivingRoundabouts

For many drivers, not only learner drivers, roundabouts represent fear due to their unpredictability and with the driver unsure when they should proceed. These tutorials offer roundabout rules, tips for dealing with: Roundabout traffic, Double roundabouts.

One-way roads, streets and systems tutorialOne-Way Roads, Streets and One-Way Systems

Tutorial for driving on one-way roads, streets and one-way systems during the driving test, plus what you should do if you are in the wrong lane.

Level crossings guide tutorial for driversLevel Crossings

The practical driving test may involve driving through level crossings. Explained are the types of level crossings, how to approach, cross and exit crossings. See: Level crossing lights and signs and Level crossing safety, rules and fines.

Overtaking in a car tutorialOvertaking

Tutorials for how to overtake a car and other vehicles for the practical driving test. Also included, overtaking cyclists, no overtaking signs and road markings, plus illegal overtaking explained.

How to merge into traffic tutorialHow to Merge into Traffic

Tutorial explaining how to merge into traffic on a dual carriageway or motorway via a slip road and how to safely merge into traffic when lane reductions are ahead.

Dual carriageway tutorial for learner driversDual Carriageways

High speed dual carriageways frequently feature on a practical driving test. This tutorial explains the correct procedure for joining, overtaking and exiting dual carriageways.

2 second rule explained2 Second Rule

Not only is the 2 second rule a safe technique for driving, it is also a technique that the examiner will be expecting during the driving test. Easily learn the 2 second rule technique and how to apply it to wet and icy road conditions.

Cornering in a car tutorialCornering in a Car

Driving around corners can be challenging for learner drivers. This guide offers tips on reference markers, road signs and how to drive through bends. Limit point analysis also provides drivers with an understanding of how harsh a corner is along with safe stopping distances. See:
Limit point analysis.

Country rural roads driving tutorialCountry Road Driving

Although rural country roads appear easy to drive on, statistically they are the most dangerous roads in the UK. With little or no practice, these country and rural roads can easily fail the driving test.

About the practical driving test tutorials

The free driving test tutorials contained within this section are in-depth and may take a little time to perfect. Remember, it only takes one small, but highly relevant mistake to fail the practical driving test. Studying these tutorials and applying the information given on the day of the test, will without question pass that part of the driving test. All driving test tutorials are written and developed by fully qualified and experienced driving instructors.

The driving test tutorials may save expenses due to requiring fewer driving lessons if studied thoroughly. They are however not intended to replace a driving instructor and should be used as an extra aid and reference whilst receiving driving lessons. On each page is a print version that can be taken with you during private driving lessons with family or friends.