Driving Test Questions

Anyone wishing to take a driving test often has many questions they need answering. The Driving Test Tips web site offers tutorials and advice from the theory test to the practical driving test. The majority of driving test questions are answered throughout this site.

This section covers the most frequently asked questions for experienced drivers wishing to take the UK driving test and for learner drivers taking the driving test for the first time. If you have a question about the practical driving test and it is not covered here, feel free to fill in the form and ask Driving Test Tips.

Using the reversing camera on the driving test
Reversing camera


Many vehicles are now equipped with reversing cameras. Here we answer the question often asked by test candidates ‘Can I use the reversing camera during the driving test?’ I you do use it, we explain how to do so correctly without risk of failing the test.

Driving school instructor pass rates
Driving school instructor pass rates

Driving school instructors pass rates

When searching for a driving school or instructor, many ask the question ‘what their driving test pass rates? ‘But is it really worth asking?

Driving test age
Driving test age

Driving test age

It has been proposed that the driving test age should be raised from 17 to 18 years old. Raising the minimum age of taking the driving test was ultimately dropped in favour of a more difficult theory test and practical driving test.

What to wear for driving test
What to wear for driving test

What to wear for driving test

Although it is up to you what you wear for the driving test, there are some considerations to take into account to make yourself as comfortable as possible.

Can you fail the driving test for stalling the car?
Car Stalling


Here we answer the common question of whether driving tests can be failed for stalling the car and if so, how. Explained are the different situations that result in a stall and best to recover from stalling your car.

Taking driving instructor on test
Taking driving instructor on test

Taking driving instructor on test

Most driving tests are conducted without the driving instructor present. Taking your driving instructor on the test may lead to the learner being more nervous, there are however benefits for taking your instructor along.

Can I book two driving tests?
Can I book two driving tests?

Can I book two driving tests?

A question often asked by learner drivers is can I book two driving tests at the same time within a short time of each other in case I fail the first test?

What to take to the driving test
What to take to the driving test

What to take to the driving test

Many driving test are unable to be conducted each year by examiners due to test candidates forgetting to bring along certain documents.

How many manoeuvres in driving test?
How many manoeuvres in driving test?

How many manoeuvres in driving test?

A question frequently asked is how many manoeuvres in the driving test. Explained is how many manoeuvres in total and how many that are likely to be requested during the test.

Crossing hands on driving test
Crossing hands on driving test

Crossing hands on driving test

One of the more common driving test questions by all drivers wishing to take the driving test is if it is okay to cross hands on the driving test, the use of push and pull steering technique and spinning the steering wheel when straightening.

When to use handbrake
When to use handbrake

When to use the handbrake

Although there are occasions during a driving test where the handbrake must be used, it’s also important that the handbrake is not excessively used.

What happens in a driving test
What happens in a driving test

What happens in a driving test

Having a clear understanding of what exactly happens in a driving test should leave fewer nasty surprises that anyone wishing to take the test should expect.

Driving test day preparation
Driving test day preparation

Driving test day preparation

The day of your driving test has finally arrived. Preparing yourself for the driving test day correctly is of course important as it will reduce stress and increase confidence.

Are driving tests fixed
Are driving tests fixed?

Are driving tests fixed?

A common question asked by many test candidates taking the driving test is ‘are driving tests fixed?’ Or do test centres have a pass quota?

Speeding during a driving test
Speeding during a driving test

Speeding on the driving test

A driving test question frequently asked by learners is if they go over the speed limit, is it an immediate test failure. This question is answered along with tips on how to reduce speeding during a driving test.

Failed driving test
Failed driving test

Failed driving test

Tips and advice to help avoid a failed driving test, plus further tips to help you pass the driving test if you failed the test first time.

Driving examiner abandons test
Abandoned Test

driving Examiner Abandons test

Driving test can and do get terminated for many reasons. Some tests even get stopped whilst out driving, with the examiner abandoning the vehicle and the test candidate. This section answers the questions why.

Driving test parking sensors
Parking Sensors


Here we explain the rule on using parking sensors during the practical driving test and issues to avoid that might make you fail.

7 thoughts on “Driving Test Questions”


    what is the starndard period learning how to drive motor vehicle

  2. Hello Nelson,
    It does of course depend on the individual – on how easily you learn to drive, but the average is anywhere between 30 to 40 hours of professional tuition from a qualified driving instructor. How long to learn to drive will offer further information.

  3. Meme

    I have failed my driving test 3 times because of my stress and anxiety and I have my 4th test on 10 of April. Can you please give me a good idea what I can do too feel better

  4. Hello Meme,
    The driving test is stressful for the vast majority of people. Have you tried chatting to the examiner during the test? That can help alleviate nerves. Commentary driving is also another method that aids in observing hazards both during and before hand and is an excellent method for reducing nerves as it keeps the brain fully occupied with the task at hand. Also take a look at our beating driving test nerves tips to see if you can find any useful information there. The key really is to occupy your mind with something other than nerves during the test. Good luck for next time.

  5. jeff stockbridge

    1st gear 2nd gear starts what are the consequencies in a modern car as apposed to older cars

  6. Rukshana Begum

    These last four years I’ve been trying to pass my driving and have failed 10 times and each time I’ve become more aware that this mostly isn’t my fault and personally I feel like I am wrongfully getting failed and I’ve been trying to complain for a long time but just couldn’t find a source to do so. Is there any thing I can do before my theory date expires?

  7. Hi Rukshana,
    Some test centres are more difficult to pass the test at than others. If it’s possible, perhaps try a different test centre and hire a driving instructor who can take you around the difficult parts of the test routes.

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