Show Me Tell Me Quiz

If you have read through the Show Me Tell Me questions and answers, you’ll hopefully have a good idea on what you need to know.

The driving examiner will ask you one ‘Show Me’ question that requires you physically showing the examiner, and one ‘Tell Me’ question that requires a verbal response only.

This will be at the start of the driving test from a possible 19 questions.

You’ll only get a single minor or ‘fault’ if you get one or both questions incorrect, though it’s ideal to get them both correct just in case you get a large amount of minors during the driving part of the test, and so not wasting one on the Show Me Tell Me questions.

A simple quiz

Show Me Tell Me driving test quiz
Take the Show Me Tell Me practical driving test quiz

To test yourself, we’ve compiled a simple Show Me Tell Me quiz. Listed are the Show Me Tell Me questions that could be asked by the examiner, along with multiple choice answers.

Simply read the question and all the answers and select which answer you think is correct. Select the ‘Check’ button and you’ll immediately be informed if you selected the correct or incorrect answer.

If you get stuck, a handy ‘Hint’ button is available to help on many answers. when you’re ready for the next question, select ‘Next’.

Show me tell me Quiz

Show Me Tell Me Questions and Answers Quiz

Remember the Show Me Tell Me answers

You don’t have to memorise and recite the Show Me Tell Me answers word-for-word exactly as they are written here to the examiner. Providing you remember the most important aspects within the answer is essentially want the examiner wants to hear.

If you are at a complete loss and are struggling to remember the answer at all, you may find that the examiner may help you by offering prompts and hints to help you remember. Whether they do or not however, is entirely up to the examiner.

Information related to the Show Me Tell Me questions

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