Can You Cross Hands on a Driving Test?

Yes you can cross your hand on a driving test, within reason. Crossing hands on driving test is a frequent questions brought up by learner drivers and especially experienced drivers wishing to take the UK driving test.

Experienced drivers from other countries taking the UK driving test like many of us develop bad habits. Some may say crossing the hands whilst driving is one of them, when in fact, it seldom is.

Everybody develops their own style of driving that best suits them and that makes them feel comfortable and confident. Most drivers after the driving test, as they become more confident will start to cross their hands.

It therefore makes sense to teach learner drivers to drive realistically and not like a robot. Driving examiners do of course know this too and do permit crossing the hands on a driving test. Many years ago, crossing hands on a driving test would almost certainly fail the test.

Over the years however, it has been acknowledged that crossing the hands whilst driving is not as dangerous as once thought and as a result, it is permissible during a driving test within reason.

There are however extremes to everything and crossing the hands whilst driving is no exception. As a general rule, providing you have good and constant control of the steering, all should be good.

Holding the steering wheel
Holding the steering wheel at the ’10 o’clock and 2 o’clock position or the 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock position is ideal, whichever is most comfortable

Push and pull steering

Push and pull steering is a technique used to give learner drivers with little or no experience of driving an ‘ideal example’ on how to steer the car. The push and pull steering technique can be found in the steering a car tutorial. The push and pull steering technique is an example and guide on safe steering but in the modern driving test it doesn’t have to be followed precisely.

Learner drivers can have a tenancy to cross their hands to such an extent that it can significantly impact their control of the vehicle. Such techniques help to avoid this. If this does happen during a driving test, it will certainly impact the tests results. If you are concerned with your steering technique and crossing your hands during a driving test, visit the steering a car tutorial to help address these issues.

Spinning steering wheel

Allowing the steering wheel to freely straighten up after a turn is not good practice. This is generally allowing the car to control the situation and not the driver as control on the drivers part is minimal at best. The driving examiner will frown upon spinning the steering wheel whilst on the driving test.

Again it does come down to excessive practice. It is common for the steering wheel to self-straighten or spin just after a harsh turn and a little of this is fine. Try however to not allow the steering wheel to freely spin until it stops itself as this can be dangerous. If the steering wheel begins to spin, grab the wheel and use long and fast push and pull method to straighten the wheel back up.

Frequently asked driving test questions

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